Writing with a perfect pen

Have you ever coveted someone else’s pen? Okay, not everyone feels as strongly as I do about pens, but chances are you've felt their pull from time to time.

Perhaps you've noticed a particularly smooth-writing pen a cashier gave you to sign a credit card slip. Or maybe you've felt like your pens are inadequate after you borrowed a different pen from a colleague to jot down a quick thought on a post-it note while in another office.

Oh, the choices abound. Gel. Roller ball. Ballpoint. Fountain pen. Hell, a quill, if that’s what you fancy.

Medium, fine point or micro scratchiness. (Does my bias scream through here?)

Soft finger grip or not. Thin or thick neck. A heavily weighted barrel or a pen that barely registers any weight..

Black, purple, blue, green, fluorescent, metallic or any other colour from the rainbow of available ink.

Whatever you choose, make it the perfect pen for you, at that very moment.

It will make the task at hand that much better, whether you’re writing in a journal, preparing a cheque for your final loan payment, taking notes during a meeting or signing a birthday card.

The perfect pen can cast a new light on what you’re doing and that light shines of



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