A meeting cancellation

Meetings can either help move a project along or eat chunks out of your work day.

While some meetings are essential to our jobs, many meetings are unorganized and dull. Sadly, other meetings deteriorate into whining or worse yet, unprofessional and unconstructive fingerpointing.

Coping mechanisms can help you get through the many meetings in your work week. Preparation. Thick skin. Bringing along a mug of your favourite tea.

Certain meetings can also bring joy. You know the ones. They are cancelled at the last minute and cause an unexpected gap in an otherwise busy day.

No matter how you choose to spend your "free" time, the beauty of a postponed or kiboshed meeting is in the surprise opening in your overcrowded Outlook calendar.



  1. if you are busy, insist on getting an agenda before showing up at the meeting. bing

  2. That's a good suggestion, Bing. My other tactic is just to bring along some related work.

    That way I can feel productive as I wait for the meeting to get underway. Plus, if I'm not chairing the meeting and it goes way off on another tangent, then I can work on my notes--ones relevant to the intended topic of the meeting. As long as I make eye contact from time to time, I feel little guilt and I'm less likely to fume quietly about wasted time.


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