Taking on your afternoon with renewed energy

Far too often, hectic work schedules lead us to skip lunch and breaks.

We arrive early and leave late. In between time, we motor through the day, juggling meetings, emails, calls, tweets and impromptu hallway updates from colleagues.

Somewhere in that mix, we scrounge stray minutes and blocks of time to tackle plans and hammer out project deliverables.

Oh, what a difference it makes when we manage to score time to take a quick break. Maybe you dash out to meet friends for quick bite at the local farmers’ market, scoot to your favourite restaurant to snag something delicious, sit at a picnic table with colleagues, or grab a sandwich and go for a brief walk or jog.

Wherever you choose to go during your midday escape, the food you consume will fuel your body. The bonus is that if you stop for lunch you'll not only get the energy boost from eating, but the break will also recharge your mind and maybe even give you a fresh outlook on the rest of the day. So much so that you’ll be tempted to ask why you don’t take lunch breaks daily.

Returning from a break to face a productive afternoon with a renewed sense of creativity and heightened energy levels, well that’s simply...



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