When someone gives you an upgrade

Some people have a knack for swinging upgrades when they rent a car, check in for a flight or book a hotel. I’m not one of those people.

Left to my own devices, I would never experience an upgrade, because I’m shy around strangers and cannot sweet talk or haggle my way into anything. That’s why I’m eternally grateful when others make upgrades happen for me.

In my second year of university, my grandparents gave me the gift of luxury for Christmas: an upgrade for my VIA train ticket back to school (a generous tradition they kept up for five years).

Back then, first-class VIA tickets meant early boarding privileges, larger and comfier seats, warm towels, hot food and free alcohol for the Toronto–MontrĂ©al segment of my journey. As the train raced along the tracks to la belle ville, I felt spoiled and somewhat like an imposter in VIA1.

Sure, McGill presented me with intellectual riches, but for the most part my student lifestyle stood in stark contrast to MontrĂ©al’s glamorous people, buildings and cars. My grandparents’ upgrades always represented a taste of that other world. Thank you, Mom-mom and Dad!

Jumping ahead a couple of decades, I’m packing for a winter getaway. Not only am I lucky for this unexpected escape, but my sweet hubby called the cruise line directly to score a serious cabin upgrade for me. My husband isn’t even traveling with me, yet he went to great lengths to bump me way up from my original cramped quarters underneath the ship's main theatre and next door to the laundry room.

Merci, Mike. Thanks, Princess Cruises.


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