Topping your best score

Whether you’re striving for high points or low points, you want to stretch beyond your previous threshold.

It doesn’t matter if you’re speeding around a track with your Playstation, playing Scrabble, timing how quickly you complete that sudoku, swimming against the competition, toying with a mindless online puzzle, golfing a tough course, or racing to complete Mensa games.

When at last you achieve success, you've not only topped your best score, but you’ve pushed yourself. Woot! [Insert victory fist pump here.]



  1. I suspect this post was inspired by our current scramble game. You know, the one you just played your 3rd or 4th bingo in... and where you're several hundred points in the lead! :)

  2. Not even, Rachelle. It was inspired by Mike as he tried to shave 1/1000th of a second off his Grand Turismo time for a particular track.


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