
Sure, we may joke about those As-seen-on-TV products, but sometimes gizmos prove to be handy.

Whenever my grandfather found a new and functional gadget, he would give a bunch of them out to the family at Christmas. That’s how we came to own our first effortless can-opener and a Black & Decker Snakelight to shine light into awkward nooks.
And back in the mid-1990s, I’m glad we listened to my grandparents about the value in having a bread maker. While I was away on a business trip my hubby purchased us a bread maker. That gizmo saw so much use that we had to replace parts, and eventually, invest in another bread maker.
It’s possible that the gadget-loving gene runs in our family. When I went away to university, my Aunt Marion and Uncle Don gave me my first handheld immersion blender. I use that gizmo to this day. This past Christmas, my sister Dorothy bought a device that could turn almost anything into a speaker.
Discovering a non-gimmicky, time-saving gizmo…



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