When stuff lasts longer than expected

It's easy to complain about something that doesn't last, but how often do you express gratitude for items that withstand the test of time?

Have you ever owned a favourite sweater that no matter how often you wore it, that sweater didn't pill or lose its shape?

Maybe you've driven the same car for a decade or more and you can still trust it to get you from point A to point B.

I'm sure you can dream up other examples, so be thankful for your stuff with an unusually long life expectancy; it's



  1. While reading the email version of this post, I briefly wondered if you had snapped a photo of the Gecho's odometer while you were visiting...

    1. Never know what I may snap next. ;-)
      BTW, thanks for my first ever +1. Happy dance.

  2. I find it funny that the photo shows big numbers on the odometer, but also shows what looks like a red "check engine" light :)

    1. Too funny, Coralee. I cropped out the check oil indicator.


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