Kitchen exhibits

Yes, fridge art is made and shared with love, so display those masterpieces with pride.

If you have a stainless steel fridge (read: it isn’t magnetic}, then just move that art exhibit to another room. Use a whiteboard or find any area your heart desires to frame those works of art.

Yesterday, a colourful alligator arrived from Ottawa via Canada Post. I ♥ that showpiece for it makes me smile and lets any of my art exhibit visitors know that the world is a better place with a certain 19-month-old munchkin in it.



  1. In response to the smart-alecky emails: Yes, Makayla had some help colouring a few of the gator's spots.

  2. This artist is thrilled to be showing pieces in multiple provinces. She's considering doing prints and a signing... once she learns how to print her name, of course.

    1. Showing in various provinces and ONLINE. She's a blogess, don't you know.

      If she draws any more gators at storytime, then I'll have to get my copy numbered and signed. ;-)

  3. This little girl has a knack for artistry and this is the nicest alligator I've seen.

    1. Now who does she take after with those artistic talents?


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