A reason to get dolled up
The stars came out in droves for Sunday night’s Academy Awards ceremony in California . Meanwhile, here in Canada , a select group marked the occasion in style. When I arrived at my friend Shirley’s house, the red carpet extended from the driveway, up her front steps and right to her front entrance. Indoors, I marveled at the food, drinks, ice candles and floating candles, shimmery tablecloths, swag bags and coveted prizes. The hostess hadn't overlooked a detail. I was on the scene to serve as paparazzo to the stars (a.k.a. the Calendar Girls). These women have a long-standing tradition of gathering to celebrate the Oscars. Throughout the year, these ladies have many other reasons to get together, and the good times roll on those occasions too, but Oscar night is extra special. Why? Well, for the Calendar Girls it’s an excuse to seek out and wear outfits they’d never dream of putting on for a regular evening out. This year was no exception. There were g...