Telus (and before that Clearnet) ad campaigns

Primary colours contrasted against white backdrops. Now bring on the iguanas, bunnies, hummingbirds, lovebirds, hippos, owls, fish, ducks…all grooving to catchy beats.

By consistently mixing memorable melodies with cute critters, across multiple channels, Telus has a recipe for advertising success. I’m not endorsing the phone carrier for its services, but there’s no denying that the company’s catchy ads are well integrated (e.g., corporate website, in-store contests, TV campaigns, print ads, billboards, Facebook and other media). Telus even has tie-ins to its activities for corporate social responsibility and community relations.

Taking it a step further in mid-2011, the company embraced the power of social media to involve audiences in voting for what the next critter would be to grace the company’s future ads. Luna, the saw-whet owl garnered the most votes, so she starred in the late-fall and Christmas ads.

For my niece Makayla and my friend Sarah Jane, both of them owl fans, here are two ads starring Luna:

For my friend, Trish, I’m linking to a compilation of ads starring Hazina the hippo:

For my soul mate, well, it only makes sense for me to share a lovebird one:

The popularity of stuffed animals and calendars featuring those Telus creatures leads me to believe I’m not alone in being partial to the company’s hippos, owls and lovebirds. Yep, they’re



  1. LOVE the new Telus commercials. I can't help but feel happy when their little tunes come on. They sure know how to turn a frown upside down :)

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    To answer your question, sure go ahead and share my blog address with your Facebook group.
    Glad to hear you think this content would make your friends smile.


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