Back-to-school anticipation
As students and teachers head back to classes today, doesn’t it remind you of all the unknowns of a new school year?
Those final days in August served up countless questions.
- Will my best friend be in the same class as me?
- If not, will I meet new friends?
- Am I going to like my teacher?
- What will I learn this year? (In my case, what books will we read?)
- Will anyone have the same lunchbox, pencil case, outfit…as mine? You know, the fruits from that back-to-school shopping expedition for new supplies and clothes.
- Will I score a desk in the right part of the best row?
- Will I have a zit-free and good-hair day for the first day of school?
- Where will my locker be and how far will it be from homeroom? What should I hang inside my locker door?
- Is the same bus driver going to pick me up at my stop?
- Will I find my classroom before the bell rings?
And for those extra awkward years requiring you to switch schools…
- What if I don’t like my new school?
- Will I find my way around the building?
- [Repeat all questions from the first part of this post.]
Oh, the possibilities! By Labour Day, your hopes and fears culminate in dizzying back-to-school anticipation.
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