
Freebies are hard to resist.

On any given day, you may receive food samples at the grocery store, a promotional bookmark at a bookshop or a calendar from a salesperson.

There’s nothing wrong with appreciating a little bonus loot. But, there should be meds for those individuals afflicted by swag frenzy.

A few of my fave freebies: a cozy Nortel fleece;
a PEI potato stress ball; Island Abbey honey
lozenges; and a Ragan.com pen.
If you’ve ever worked a trade show or conference exhibit hall, then you know who I mean. You can’t miss them as they roam frantically from booth to booth hoarding as many freebies as they possibly can.

I imagine their shoulders and hands must ache from lugging around bags stuffed full of pens, t-shirts, stress balls, lip balm, notebooks, chocolates, inflatables and scores of useless gadgets. (I’m pretty sure they’re the same people who hoard drink coasters from bars and stubby pencils from golf courses and libraries.)

For the rest of us who don’t chase down swag, simply scoring a small gift, with or without purchase, is a surprise and


Do tell, what’s your favourite freebie? Comment away.


  1. My absolute best swag experience was at a Canadian librarians association conference. The trade-show was comprised almost entirely of book publishers giving away review copies of their upcoming releases. I was a bit shy about the "trick-or-treat" approach to collecting books, but was with a colleague who was shameless. Suffice it to say that on the way home, I was glad my suitcase had wheels!

  2. Wish our paths had crossed at that CLA conference, Shannon. It would have been cool if we'd met long before I moved to the Island. Wonder if those publishers give out less heavy eBook tokens as swag now?


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