Stepping outside

This week, I heard about a report that calls sitting the new smoking. Yes, we spend so much time parked on our tushies that sitting is now a killer.
We're sedentary during meals and our commutes. We sit at our computers, around meeting tables, in classes, and in front of TVs and gaming devices.
Well, it's time for a break from the chair.
In Canada, today marked Take Me Outside Day, an annual event to encourage adults to set a positive example for future generations. On October 25th, Canadians are urged to step outside with children or teens.
Get up. Get out. Take in fresh air and commune with nature. As ideas go, this one's




  1. This weekend we went to into the woods to collect red, yellow, orange & brown leaves!
    Toddlers have helped us get outside & enjoy an after-dinner walk most evenings. I truly believe there should be more parks set up with swings specifically for adults; it would get us out of the house & they are just SO MUCH FUN!

  2. Based on how frequently you and your hubby take the girls to parks, I would say you two are a statistical anomaly. Thanks for letting me tag along on so many of those visits to playgrounds, Rachelle.


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