When the car engine turns over on a blustery winter day

You slam that squeaky car door shut and jam your key in the ignition. Your chilled fingers tingle and stick to the metal key.

As you turn the key, you hear nothing other than a high-pitch whine. Your dashlights briefly flicker, albeit dimly.

Take two. Still no luck.
You vow to make one more attempt before you resort to calling CAA or your spouse to come rescue you.

You plead. (Yes, at times like these you believe that cajoling the car just may make her behave and save you from having to sit there without heat, music or the ability to get to your driving destination.)

Close your eyes, pray for a moment, grip that key and Vvrrrrrrrrooooooooommmmmmmm.



  1. I felt this way when I tried the dishwasher again passing 3am this morning. Oh that sigh of relief when it started and kept it's water to itself!

    Here's hoping you weren't stuck in your driveway this am. :)


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