Distorting your voice with a fan

Source: Hagi on Pinterest
Last week, a flashback struck me while listening to an IKEA radio spot. The ad features Jonasthe Swedish voice behind the furniture company's funny adstalking into a fan. 

Who hasn't sat cross-legged next to a fan, and then leaned forward to talk, generating Vader-like sounds?

I didn’t even stop when I hit my teen years. The only difference was that by then I pretended to be Dennis de Young singing Styx’s “Mr. Roboto” into one of those 1970s box fans. (You know, the kind that wouldn’t pass muster by today’s safety standards. Apparently designers didn't realize children could stick fingers and skinny hands WAY into those fans.)

So, fess up, what did you sing or say into fans? Who did you pretend you were?


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