Learning to do something you've always wanted to try
It doesn't have to be anything major. You can choose to learn anything you wish.
In my case, I've often watched in a bemused fashion as family and friends play cards. I'm not sure how my brain is hardwired, but it certainly isn't optimized for recalling how to play card games.
I remember how to play the basic games from childhood (e.g., Go Fish, Old Maid, Crazy Eights, War and Uno), but adult card games (e.g., Bridge, Canasta and Euchre) have always intimitated me. I can't even distinguish the difference between Black Jack and Poker.
So when I wrote my life list, I jotted down that I wanted to grow up a teensie bit by learning to play cribbage. I've seen people play crib, but I had never bothered to observe enough to learn and retain.
Last week, that all changed when one of my sisters sat me down at her kitchen table for a lesson geared to my way of learning. We started out by playing with open-faced cards and she cut me some slack even after we began playing in a more serious fashion.
Thanks to Rachelle's patience and coaxing, I can check number 21 off my life list.
In my case, I've often watched in a bemused fashion as family and friends play cards. I'm not sure how my brain is hardwired, but it certainly isn't optimized for recalling how to play card games.
I remember how to play the basic games from childhood (e.g., Go Fish, Old Maid, Crazy Eights, War and Uno), but adult card games (e.g., Bridge, Canasta and Euchre) have always intimitated me. I can't even distinguish the difference between Black Jack and Poker.
So when I wrote my life list, I jotted down that I wanted to grow up a teensie bit by learning to play cribbage. I've seen people play crib, but I had never bothered to observe enough to learn and retain.
Last week, that all changed when one of my sisters sat me down at her kitchen table for a lesson geared to my way of learning. We started out by playing with open-faced cards and she cut me some slack even after we began playing in a more serious fashion.
AWESOME!!! (Now I just need to practice before I forget everything my sister taught me. Anyone game for an easy win against a crib newbie?)
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