Is that a sparkly anklet?
Didn't have anything fun to report last night, because I spent the evening getting a crown. No nothing glamorous...a crown on one of my molars. Apparently in your late 30s your teeth start to crumble, and I accidentally swallowed a chunk of a molar earlier this week (I'll spare you any before and after photos). So after 2.5 hours in a dentist chair, I returned home with a partially frozen jaw. Didn't feel like doing anything other than curling up on the couch to watch a movie.
So what's the anklet you ask? Groupie showed up at our front door this afternoon with a chunk of ice surrounding his leg. Mike held him and tried to remove the ice, but only succeeded in getting part of it off. Even though Groupie likes to hop on Mike's arm, the grouse was not crazy about actually being handled. He retaliated by lunging at Mike after he set him safely back on the ground. There's no chance that the ice will thaw naturally because tonight is supposed to be very chilly. Guess Groupie will have to peck the rest of the anklet off on his own.
As for how he got his sparkly ice anklet, we figure that he must have walked across the creek. There was some slushy water on top of the ice during the day today which must have frozen to his leg after he waded through.. It looks like the water seeped up from underneath the ice, because the bulk of the ice is rather thick and there aren't any holes. Bizarro. Here's hoping that Groupie learned his lesson. I just can't see him outrunning or even flying away from a predator with a bulky chunk of ice frozen to his leg.
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