Fluffy beauties

With a windchill of -30C, our woodpeckers were at their fluffiest today. The Hairy and Downy woodpeckers were lining up for the suet.

Here's a picture of our male Downy woodpecker. Unlike the female Downy and the Hairy woodpeckers, this little male doesn't flap away when I step outside. He doesn't even flinch if I can walk right up to the suet holder, and reach around it to refill the sunflower seed feeder for the other birds.

If one of the large Hairy woodpeckers is eating the suet, then this little Downy guy will perch on the branch beside the suet feeder. He'll wait patiently until the Hairy ones have their fill and then he'll move in to feast for himself.

Quick update on Groupie: He has finally freed himself from his icy anklet.


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