Christmas calories

December ushers in time with loved ones as well as a season of feasting.

In past years, I wrote about festive foods, including pomegranates and clementines, among other sweet treats, but I overlooked some faves and the message bears repeating. Family and friends scurry to cook, bake, ship and serve all orders of yumminess.

So, indulge in the English trifle, tortières, gingerbread,chocolates, mints, Dutch hagel, stuffing, pets de sœurs, nuts, pastries, Christmas pudding, squares and shortbread cookies, bûches de Noël, Allsorts, cranberry cocktails, marzipan,and many other delicious and festive treats.

Your usual food regimen can resume come January, when the rich and tasty foods are gone for another year. Enjoy the onslaught of Christmas calories.


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