When you find a surprise wrapped inside yummy layers

Many years ago, my grandparents treated me to dinner at the Tablerock Restaurant overlooking Niagara's Horseshoe Falls. I was allowed to order anything I wanted from the menu, so I chose veal cordon bleu.

I was a fan of veal and the French name sounded kind of cool. Imagine my delight when I first cut into my breaded veal entrée and found stuffed inside a bonus layer of ham and melted cheese.

Maybe you experienced a similar delight at a childhood birthday party. You sliced through the icing and fresh cake, only to strike something solid. Hey, that’s money wrapped in wax paper. Oh yeah, jackpot!

I recall that same element of surprise when I first fell in love with Ferrero Rocher chocolates at a party in MontrĂ©al. I thought the gold wrapper was lovely, but little did I suspect the treat in store for me. As if the crunchy chocolaty exterior wasn’t good enough, at the core, I discovered Nutella filling and a whole hazelnut.

Finding something hidden inside layers of deliciousness…

perfectly AWESOME!

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