Playground lingo

My friend Cindy recently cried "Uncle!"

I can’t recall if I was teasing her mercilessly at the time or if she was recounting a situation that made her resort to a childhood term to raise the white flag.

But whatever the reason, she reminded me of the fun of all those childhood terms. When and why do we outgrow our silly playground lingo?

There are certainly times in my career when I’ve wished I could hold colleagues accountable to deadlines or deliverables. If only we could ask them for a “pinkie promise.” Better yet, seal the deal with a “double pinkie swear.”

If that isn’t strong enough, then what if you could pull out the big arsenal and make them say, “Cross my heart and hope to die!”

And if they breach these oaths and renege on promises, it would be so sweet if you could holler “no take backs.”

Okay, I would be hard pressed to find an adult opportunity when I could use “cooties,” but maybe that’s a good exception.

But I reserve the right to say or at least think “Jinx” if someone utters something at the same time as I do. Stamped-it-double-locked-it-no-erasies!

Childhood expressions =


Source: via Heather on Pinterest.


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