When rain works in your favour

With the exception of farmers experiencing a drought, most of us can’t wait for rain to stop. There are even some vocal people who seem to do little else than complain about the weather as they gripe about the rain, the heat, the snow, the fog, ad nauseum.

Personally, a good dousing of rain helps my veggie garden along without me having to lug out the garden hose. Those showers can rinse off your patio furniture and give your car a light wash provided you park in the driveway instead of the garage. When the skies open up, heavy rains can also power wash streets and sidewalks as the grit and construction dirt gets swept away by mini rivers rushing along the curbs.

These are all convenient benefits of rain, but the best of all is when rain gets you out of a dreaded task. Maybe it’s a chore you’re reluctant to tackle (oops, can’t mow the lawn today, it’s raining) or an event you’re apprehensive about attending (an outdoor wedding where you won’t know anyone other than the bride or groom). You may feel a twinge of guilt if the rain frees you up and works in your favour, but you’ll also experience a wee rush of



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