Finding the right connector cable on your first try

A random rambling about something awesome (inspired by Neil Pasricha's "Book of Awesome")

In a world of gadgetry and fast obsolescence, you can easily end up with reams of cords to power up cell phones, download content from digital cameras or video cams, synch laptops to an iPhone or Blackberry, connect a computer to a digital projector or TV, and transfer MP3s to your iPod or personal music device.

Sadly, most of these devices have varying USB sizes, or worse yet, proprietary connections. Simply put, more often than not, these cables cannot be interchanged between your electronic gadgets. And then there are the extra 12-volt ones for your car, but don’t get me started on those curly, phone cord-like bodies that get tangled far too easily.

Whether you keep your connector cords in a drawer, a pile next to your computer, stuffed in a bag on your desk, or neatly folded and arranged in kits organized for each of your devices, there’s a certain level of satisfaction when you grab a cord and it fits snugly. Finding the right cable on your first attempt, well that’s



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