I pledge to ...

Last year, I signed up for the 50bookpledge. I wasn't just setting a goal, I wanted to track what I read during 2017.

The site provides visual shelves showing the titles:
  • I want to read
  • I'm currently reading
  • I've read
If I had remembered to log every book, I'm sure that my total would've exceeded the 32 titles listed on my 2017 bookshelf.

At a glance, it looks like I missed last year's goal, although I earned several badges along the way. Oh, how the Girl Guide in me enjoyed those carrots.

I look back on 2017 without regrets. I consider myself fortunate to have squirrelled away time to read more than 32 books, including ones by new-to-me authors.

This year, I not only resolve to read 50 books, but I'll also remember to enter more of the titles online, so that I may share what I'm reading as the months unfold. Plus, my year-end shelf will better reflect my books of 2018.

So far, I'm on track. I've finished one book (Johansen's The Invasion of the Tearling), I've started to read another (Le Guin's No Time to Spare), and two books are waiting on my to-be-read shelf (see my shelf below).

If you've had your nose in any books that you think I would enjoy, be sure to suggest the titles in the comments below or get in touch with me directly.

Thanks and happy reading!

@plumcopy's #50bookpledge shelf for 2018
Two books vying for my attention: The High Mountains of Portugal by Yann Martel, and Uncommon Type by Tom Hanks. No doubt other titles will soon start to crowd my shelf.


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