When the garden centres open

Major grocery, hardware and department stores stack bags of mulch and top soil near entrances to signal that gardening season is upon us. But, those stores mainly carry the mass-market essentials.

For me, the season arrives when the local nurseries and garden centres open their greenhouse doors.

Wander indoors to see delicate flowers, fragrant herbs and colourful annuals, or brave the elements and step outside to see hardy perennials, award-winning plants, trees and rare shrubs. 

If you don't have hours to spend researching info online, but you want to track down a botanical oddity, graft a tree or nurture seedlings, then consult the experts. Fortunately for me, I can visit knowledgeable folks at places like Van Kampen's Greenhouses, Island Pride Garden Co. and Jewell's Country Market. They can answer my questions and recommend new finds.

Even if you aren't a gardening fan, you can enjoy a trip to a greenhouse for many other reasons.
  • Photography buffs will discover all kinds of visual opportunities waiting to be snapped.
  • Sick of cool, damp days? Seek out a toasty, humid greenhouse and you'll forget about dreary weather.
  • Avid foodies can find fresh produce, fudge, baked goods, ice cream and other treats at many nurseries.  
Visiting a nursery also supports a special business in your neighbourhood.

Bonus activity: You can feed goats at Jewell's Country Market.


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