Belly buttons

Belly buttons are far more than lint traps. According to scientists, we collect tons of bacteria there too. In fact, the bacterial combination you find in your belly button may be as unique to you as your fingerprint.

No need to be grossed out. Most bacteria is good for us. Besides, think how much fun you had collecting all that bacteria, especially if most of it is stockpiled drool, trapped there from zerbert-fests (slobbery raspberries on bare bellies).

As children, we heard that unscrewing belly buttons led to dire consequences; bums would fall off. Instead of horrifying us, that statement made us giggle.

Yes, innies and outies alike fascinate us.

Gazing at, swabbing and playing with our own navels isn't always enough either. Some people even encourage extra attention by adorning belly buttons with piercings, bling and tattoos.

Having an umbilical scar that can identify us, entertain and so much more...

Dennis Lee's "Big bad belly" poem


  1. Even Commander Hadfield, Canadian astronaut and current leader of the International Space Station, finds belly buttons fascinating.


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