Stretching out the gift-giving season

For more than a week now, whenever my phone would ring, I’d shriek “Has the baby arrived?” Then, I’d dash to see if call display showed a number from my mom or either of my sisters.  

Yesterday, THE call came in. My brother-in-law phoned to announce that my youngest sister delivered another healthy niece. Yay!

Bienvenue au monde, ma petite nièce, sobrina, nipote, systerdotter, neptem…[I’m researching how to say niece in other languages, at least until this infant has her own name.  :)  ]

I’m thrilled that the proud parents could experience a safe, home birth with the help of their gifted midwife, Jackie.

Best of all, my niece has entered a world of love. The day she arrived, she was surrounded by her incredible parents, an adorable sister, a beaming grandmother and the doting Howard.

And that’s the people who happened to be under the same roof. Love was showered on her at a distance by her aunties and uncles from Vancouver, Ottawa and Charlottetown, plus there are other grandparents, cousins, great-aunts and great-uncles, and friends eager to meet her.

All the wrapping paper may be stored away until next year, but this baby’s arrival is a gift to trump all others.  



  1. I just have to say ... Rachelle looks like she's just waking up from a refreshing afternoon nap. Did she really just deliver a BABY???!!! Congratulations to all. Such happy news!!

  2. I agree, Cindy. I can tell you that I look much worse of the wear when I wake up from a nap. Yet my sis looks great within moments of giving birth. She's awesome!

  3. Congratulations Aunt Lise!!
    Wishing your sister and her newly expanded family the blessing of health and peace as they venture into 2012 with one more member of the team!

    keep those pics coming!

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