Good Samaritans

These are the folks who assist seniors who have wandered off in their jammies, feed the homeless or tap your shoulder to let you know you’ve dropped some money when you’re fumbling with your wallet at the checkout counter.

You know, the kind of people who help someone out for no reason other than that it is the right thing to do. I love those people!

Earlier this week, I managed to lose my new leather mittens. When I woke up from my absentminded haze and realized that my mittens were gone, I was convinced that I had seen the last of them.

Nevertheless, I retraced my steps. Turns out that some kindly soul turned in my red mitts at Tim Horton’s. As an added bonus, the employee who had fallen in love with my mitts admitted that they had been turned in and gave them back to me with a smile.

Within 20 minutes of noticing that I had lost my mittens, I was able to cram my hands back into their fuzzy warmth. I didn’t meet the good Samaritan who found my mitts, but that person certainly injected my day with a little AWESOME as well as a healthy reminder that Islanders and Atlantic Canadians as a whole are kindhearted. Thank you!


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