Remembering a password in the nick of time

How many times a day are you prompted for different passwords?

It is frustrating that debit/credit cards, websites, networks and databases have so many requirements for password length, alpha-numeric combinations, mixes of upper and lower case letters, and frequency of expiry.

Who can possibly keep them all straight? It is especially tough when you return from a vacation or it has been a long time since you tried accessing that particular resource.

You can run through the various login or ID possibilities in your head, but sometimes the dust bunnies in the deepest recesses of your brain won’t clear long enough for you to find that passcode. Pleading silently doesn’t work. And speaking from experience, shouting “Open Sesame” or “À-la-peanut-butter-sandwiches” doesn’t do the trick either.

Certain systems boot you out after too many unsuccessful attempts. Then you have to resort to requesting a new password. Pain in the butt!!!

It makes you appreciate it all the more when “Shazam” you suddenly remember your password just in the nick of time.



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