Email lulls
Every day we’re bombarded by emails. Very few of those messages, perhaps just the spam and calendar reminders, can simply be deleted in a completely guilt-free way. That is why the occasional email quiet mode is so welcomed. This week, we had the “perfect storm” to cause such a lull. Server and network upgrades one day and many colleagues who had taken off early for Christmas break. All that translated into unusually low numbers of email messages. The emails that did come through still entailed work, but what a treat not to have a constant barrage. Now if Santa could just answer my Christmas letter and deliver copious snow days through January and February, then I’d have a steady winter supply of email lulls. AWESOME! Speaking of lulls, this is my last blog entry of the year, so you’ll experience a lull from my random ramblings right through until January 4th. If you miss my nonsensical scribblings, then visit my blog archives (see right-hand column) where you ca...