
Driftwood at Panmure Island, Prince Edward Island
Substantial pieces of driftwood serve as natural benches at the beach, whether you huddle there to gaze at the waves by day or sing campfire tunes at night.

At dusk, driftwood can also serve up eerie silhouettes. "Wait, is that a moose up ahead?"

Even basking in the sunshine, driftwood takes on many forms. At times I see antlers, but I have also spotted a teeter-totter, a Hobbit dwelling, an oversized sea horse, a pile of brooms, an antique bird cage...

Do you ever wonder where those weathered tree trunks and branches started out?

I would like to know if a piece of driftwood started life as a sapling on exotic shores. I contemplate how it looked back then and what animals sought shelter there. Did a swing dangle from one of its branches? Was a fort tucked away among its leaves? Were initials carved in the bark wrapping the trunk?

And what events befell the tree before it washed up on this beach. Was it struck by lightning? Uprooted by a flood? Clear cut? Blown out to sea by hurricane-force winds? Harvested for ship building back in the days of wooden schooners?

So many questions, so many possibilities and all of them tied to mysterious, weathered bits of driftwood.


Artists collect driftwood to sculpt or frame their creative
 works, such as this rendering of the Eiffel Tower. 


  1. The one you posted above actually DOES look like a moose or a reindeer! How fun!

  2. Another wonderful entry Lise... i love the whimssical way in which you see the world...
    driftwood is also one of my favourite things... so smooth and pale... as if all of life's difficulties have been washed away.
    p.s. is the picture at the top of this blog page of you??? i can sooo picture you looking like that as a child.

    1. Yes, it's yours truly. That photo makes me smile, because I can see my focus (an early sign of how much I would enjoy writing).

      I also love to see photographic evidence of my prepubescent straight hair. Not too many people know me from the days of my pre-frizz locks. (And, don't get me started about the goofy, one-piece jumpsuit I'm wearing in that picture. It was shiny red fabric with blue and white piping and a gas company emblem on the front. My sister Dorothy had a matching white jumpsuit...ah, 1970s fashions. LOL)


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