
True zingers are perfectly timed and witty remarks.
Not all zingers are mean-spirited, though I confess that I tend to revel in the zingers aimed squarely at someone who was due for a healthy dose of karma.
One of my favourites cropped up in the early 1990s in a song written and performed by a Canadian band called The Northern Pikes. “She Ain’t Pretty” features the following line: “Her ego wrote cheques incredibly fast, but her personality didn’t have the cash.”

Shakespeare had an incredible knack for composing zingers. But unlike for writers, when the rest of us are in want of a witty comeback, there isn’t the luxury of time to dream one up. Even if zingers aren’t on the tip of your tongue when you need them most, you can still value a zinger delivered by someone else.
Clever, funny and a bit edgy…


Any zingers stand out for you?


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