Making a difference

Some people have a knack for making the world a better place. The saintly or self-sacrifing types such as Mother Theresa or Ghandi tend to come to mind first.

My quick little sketch in honor of Steve Jobs.  on Twitpic
Brilliant sketch from @Fleech (Felice Arena)

But yesterday, Steve Jobs died and the global outpouring has been nothing short of remarkable.

He didn't just bring Apple products to the world; he shifted the high-tech industry, focused on seemingly simplistic designs and reached demographic groups that became brand disciples.

Graphic designers, educators, musicians, video enthusiasts, trendsetters, students, people with disabilities and countless other groups have benefited from his genius and focus. Technology aside, I remember his presentation style knocking me off my feet the first time I saw him deliver a keynote address at a conference in Las Vegas.
Now nobody is saying Steve Jobs was a saint, but nearly everyone, his competitors included, seems to be grieving publicly and honouring him in creative ways. 

Farewell to the icon behind iPods, iPads, Pixar and much more. Someone who made a difference for so many.

Steve Jobs can certainly be dubbed



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