Gainful and safe employment
As much as we may joke about winning the lottery and countdowns to vacations or retirement, most of us appreciate holding down jobs, particularly for the regular pay cheques and health benefits to keep bills at bay. That’s the gainful employment part. For the safe part, I don’t mean a secure job for as long you want to work; we all know that no longer exists. No, I mean not worrying about being abducted and forced to work in unsafe conditions for measly pennies, in the sex trade, or in other undesirable situations under threat of death. Is this the 21 st century or not? By safe, I mean we enjoy the freedom to: walk in public without the danger of being hauled into an unmarked van and whisked off against our will to serve someone’s bidding; have jobs that don’t jeopardize our physical safety; make mistakes in a role without worrying that we or anyone with whom we associate will be severely reprimanded or tortured; and, accept or decline a job offer without fea...