
Showing posts from October, 2010

An unexpected response

Don’t you just love out-of-the-norm reactions? While at the local hospital, I somehow managed to lose my parking stub between the time I parked my car and when I exited the building. As I approached the security gate, I anticipated I’d need to pay the daily maximum, but the attendant smiled and waved me on through. Turns out it wasn’t really the amount of money I saved that pleased me the most. No, it was the look on the attendant’s face when I explained that I had no clue where I had misplaced my parking stub. Without uttering a word, his eyes seemed to express, “Yeah, we’ve all been there at one point or another. Look, forget about it and have a nice day.” I doubt that kind of reaction happens very often. In most cities, the attendant would’ve punched in the daily maximum without even making eye contact with me. So that kind stranger’s response was both unexpected and AWESOME!


I am not sure exactly why, but initials have a strange effect on me. There’s something delicious in the secrecy of initials on a valentine or bouquet card from a secret admirer, or those jotted flirtily on a note passed in class or slipped into a locker. Perhaps that's why I also see romance and mystery in initials scrawled in beach sand or carved into an old desk, a wooden beam, a park bench or a tree. I cannot help but speculate about who left these initials behind. Did they leave the initials of a loved one or their own initials? What were they thinking as they scribbled the initials? How long have the initials been there? Even graffiti spray painted on overpasses and water towers makes me ponder what would drive someone to crudely scrawl those initials. Or, if I spot a man with monogrammed cuff links in line ahead of me or seated at a nearby table, then I wonder what the initials stand for and whether the accessories were a gift. I realize that initials are just t...

Chewable vitamins

The vitamins don’t even need to be in the shape of a cartoon character or an animal. Not that that isn't fun too! LOL Just not having to choke back horse pills with your brekkie, yet still getting the boost your body requires. That is AWESOME!

Observing joy in someone’s eyes

When that kind of happiness lights up someone else’s face you cannot help but feel joy in return. Sheer joy can be nearly as contagious as a yawn. Lucky me, in the past few days I’ve observed and felt joy for those around me. The sources of that joy were varied, but powerful all the same. Early in the week, grade-five Island students lit up as we introduced them to the wonders of science during NRC’s BioQuest celebration for National Science and Technology Week. Shortly thereafter, friends of mine landed new jobs and shared stories of newly kindled loves. Then yesterday, my hubby managed to score less than 100 points at a challenging golf course and a respected entrepreneur told me about sealing a financing deal to take his company to the next level. And last night, I Skyped with my sister, brother-in-law and three-month-old niece. Despite the somewhat stilted, albeit free, video signal traveling from Vancouver, the joy and pride in my sister’s eyes was as contagious as if s...

Freebie car washes

It can be tough to see anything in a positive light when it is pouring outside. Even still, I must say that I appreciate it when a downpour gives my car a much needed car wash. I am pretty sure I’m not the only one who can drive about for weeks (Oh, let’s be honest, months) without giving the car a proper bath to rid it of caked on mud, pollen, whatever. So when a freebie car wash happens and whisks away all that grit and grime, I consider it AWESOME!

Playground lingo

My friend Cindy recently cried "Uncle!" I can’t recall if I was teasing her mercilessly at the time or if she was recounting a situation that made her resort to a childhood term to raise the white flag. But whatever the reason, she reminded me of the fun of all those childhood terms. When and why do we outgrow our silly playground lingo? There are certainly times in my career when I’ve wished I could hold colleagues accountable to deadlines or deliverables. If only we could ask them for a “pinkie promise.” Better yet, seal the deal with a “double pinkie swear.” If that isn’t strong enough, then what if you could pull out the big arsenal and make them say, “Cross my heart and hope to die!” And if they breach these oaths and renege on promises, it would be so sweet if you could holler “no take backs.” Okay, I would be hard pressed to find an adult opportunity when I could use “cooties,” but maybe that’s a good exception. But I reserve the right to s...

Heated car seats

Toasty tushie. Enough said. AWESOME!

Zero-obligation days

Such days are few and far between, but they are very sweet. Zero-obligation days don’t necessarily mean you sit around and do nothing all day long. All they mean is that you aren’t obligated to do anything specific on a given day. Nobody is relying on you at all. You won't disappoint anyone. The world won’t fall apart. You can choose to do something fun and spontaneous instead of the usual responsible and routine activities. Throw caution to the wind! Do something unplanned—whether that means you pack a few snacks and go explore somewhere you’ve never been before, work out followed by a rewarding treat, stay in your jammies for the day, or simply call or write to someone who you haven't been in touch with for ages. Simple or involved, do whatever your heart desires, because nothing and nobody else has dibs on this uninterrupted time of yours. Even the anticipation of a potential zero-obligation day can be wickedly satisfying, but when the actual day materializes, well...

Enjoying the range of sounds made by a baby

Hunger, discomfort or impatience may evoke cries, but for the most part a baby’s repertoire of sounds is far more extensive and highly entertaining. Babies coo, giggle, hiccup, gurgle, squeak, sneeze, snore, slurp, burp, babble, grunt, yawn, squeal with delight, breathe heavily and let out wet bavvy raspberries. Whether the sounds are conscious, uncontrolled, contagious or obvious mimicry, the various components and the sum of the repertoire can be deemed AWESOME!

Highly competent and dedicated colleagues

We've all worked alongside colleagues who don't pull their weight. People who take extra long lunches or frequent smoke breaks, call in sick far too often, never seem to deliver results (let alone on time), and yet nobody else seems to take notice. But let's not talk about the co-workers who drag us down or make us have to work twice as hard. No, let's talk about the rare, but worth-their-weight-in-gold ones who display that dream-team combo of extreme competence and dedication. Whether they are part of your immediate team or part of your broader organization, you recognize these individuals for their incredible contributions. Amazingly, these same colleagues are often the ones who have great personalities, display a surprising dose of modesty and hold themselves to positive work ethics. I consider myself fortunate to work with some of these gems and I've been blessed in the past by having mentors who shone by example. Thank you! Consider yourselves dubbed... ...