Funny place names

If you aren’t migrating to Florida, Cuba or Mexico this March Break, then here’s an escape activity for you to try at home.

Think of the funniest name you’ve ever seen for a city, town, village or hamlet. It can be somewhere you’ve visited or perhaps you've read about the place in a book, magazine or online.

Don’t feel you have to stop at one choice. After all, I’m sure there are plenty of silly names from which to choose.

Not sure where to begin? Let me give you a bunch of names to get you started. 
One of my September 2010 blog entries, Signs that make you laugh, mentions my favourite place name in Quebec.

I love it that place names can be quirky enough that I’d consider visiting for no other reason than to take a photo of the “Welcome to…” sign. 


Do add your place names in the Comments section below, so everyone can enjoy the additions.


  1. Lise, Do you remember "Moonbeam, Ontario" I lived there for the first 10 years of my life. Following the French grammar rule, I used to say it was wrong to spell a word that has the letter "n" before a "b" until I realized it's not French.

    the other Lise


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