Rrroll up the rim

Everyone loves to win a little something.

Here in Canada, the Tim Horton’s coffee franchise understands that motivation well. The company’s annual “Rrroll up the rim to win” contest only strengthens existing customer loyalty, and even infrequent customers are lured in too.

Every February–March, Timmy fans turn out in droves for the annual “Rrroll up the rim to win” contest. In the past, I worked with colleagues who would pop in two to three times per day to gamble with that giant yellow arrow. I watched them gnaw at the cup’s lip and break nails only to uncover a “Please try again” message.

On a java-induced high, we Canadians are convinced we’re only one coffee away from winning a car or a giant TV. From time to time, the efforts pay off and we win a doughnut or a free coffee.

To foster our hopes, every location includes in-store posters tallying how many winners there have been at that particular Tim’s. As those numbers climb, it only heightens the “Rrroll up the rim to win” frenzy. Tim Horton’s has our number.

As someone who rarely drinks coffee, this morning I even found myself drawn by the allure of the taillights in the Timmy’s drive-through. Not only did I win a free coffee, but before I even unraveled the cup’s lip to find my prize I noticed that when the server presented me with my early morning decaf she had included a little happy face on my lid.



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